UG Medical Counselling

Candidates who were given seats through the National Eligibility and Entrance Test-Undergraduate (NEET UG) 2024 Round 1 of AFMC counseling and who now wish to resign from the Round-1 seat allotted through MCC may do so by tomorrow, according to a notice sent by the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC).
According to the notification, MCC has gotten certain petitions from applicants requesting to withdraw from the first round of AFMC counseling for NEET UG 2024. Regarding this, MCC has advised that such candidates may resign by 11:00 am on September 11, 2024, from their Round-1 seat. But the resignation can be completed without losing the security deposit, and in that case, those candidates will be included to Round 2 and will be bound by the same regulations.
The deadline for Round 2 choice-filling has been extended to September 11, 2024, at 11:55 PM. As a result, choice locking for Round-2 will begin on September 11, 2024, at 4:00 PM, and end at 11:55 PM on the same day.
Previously, the seat allotment was supposed to begin tomorrow, September 11, 2024, and the deadline to complete the choices for Round 2 was today, September 10, 2024.
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