In 2067 BS (2010 AD), the Planning Directorate founded the Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences (NAIHS). In order to ensure that deserving people from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds can access high-quality medical and nursing education, NAIHS is committed to offering affordable education in medical, paramedical, and nursing through its College of Medicine (NAIHSCOM), College of Nursing (NAIHS-COM), and College of Medical Polytechnic. The institute wants to generate healthcare workers that are committed to their work and disciplined for the nation. The Nepalese Army Welfare Fund provides funding for NAIHS, which is run as a nonprofit organisation under the direction of the Nepalese Army Welfare Directorate.
The non-profit Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences (NAIHS) was founded in 2067 BC. It was founded on the idea that Nepalese people desired to immediately enhance the patient care system with the Nepalese Army Medical Corps, and that this could be done by kindling the potential for medical advancement among health professionals by creating their own academic institution. The First World War created a significant demand, and the institute was established in remembrance of the fallen warriors. It was the first hospital to set up a semi-automated pathology lab and offer fibre optic endoscopic services. The Nepalese Army Welfare Fund provides funding for NAIHS, which is overseen by the Nepalese Army Welfare Planning Directorate. This institute is home to several colleges, including the College of Medicine, the College of Dentistry, and others. The school offers studies in a variety of science topics, including MBBS and MD/MS programmes. The goal of Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences (NAIHS) is to address the country's current shortage of youthful, compassionate, and sensitive medical professionals. The lodging at hostels is likewise of excellent quality. Students are given well-furnished rooms with all the extra amenities, including computers, Wi-Fi, private showers and toilets, and many more. The course material is of an international calibre. Regular lectures are given by the faculty in an understandable format for the students. Additionally, they are constantly available to answer students' questions.
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30 June'24