The M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT) was founded in 1962 by its esteemed Founder and Chairman, Dr. M S Ramaiah. He was a well-known visionary, philanthropist, and trailblazer in the development of numerous historic infrastructure projects in India. Upon observing the dearth of skilled engineers needed to construct a contemporary India, Dr. M S Ramaiah envisioned MSRIT as a premier institution offering reasonably priced, high-quality education. Belonging to the Gokula Education Foundation, MSRIT has expanded throughout time thanks to the substantial efforts of numerous experts serving in a variety of capacities. The institution has been skillfully directed by Dr. M S Ramaiah, whose dedication has seen it through its early years. 

The first way that M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology will address the socioeconomic demands of the world is by providing high-quality technical education and fostering an environment that is favorable to learning via constant modification and improvement.
2. Forming research groups in cutting-edge fields in association with internationally renowned institutions.
3. Creating techno-entrepreneurial ventures, creative skill development programs, and socioeconomic needs consulting.

Civil Engineering

Full Time


2.75 L
JEE and Entran


Network & Internet Center



E-Learning Center



Board Room

Parking Facility 

Solar Power Facility

Drinking Water Facility 


Explore MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology

Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering

Full Time


2.75 L
JEE and Entran

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IT Infrastructure
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KG2PG Eduhub
30 June'24
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Application Date 2024

Applications for all undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs will be accepted starting in 2024. The application deadline is May 7, 2024.

03/05/2024 13:31
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Admissions Open for 2024-25

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25/04/2024 17:22
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